2019 MESA Summer School : August 12 - 16

The 8th Annual MESA Summer School will be held August 12-16, 2019 at UC Santa Barbara. Though extensive hands-on labs, participants will gain familiarity with MESA and learn how to make better use of  MESA in their own research. Featured MESA topics include astereoseismology, solar models,  and more with Joyce Guzik, Rich Townsend, Marc Pinsonneault, and Aaron Dotter. See the Agenda for additional information. Enrollment is limited and the Application period closes March 1, 2019.

MESA has attracted ~1000 registered users. A listserv and portal allow the community to openly share knowledge and tools.

The instrument papers MESA I, II, III, IV, and V describe MESA. Summer Schools were previously offered in 2018,  2017,  2016, 2015,  2014,  2013, and 2012.

2018 Summer School

Credit: Jakub Ostrowski