2021 MESA Summer School : August 9 - 20

Be ready to interact with your fellow participants, TAs, and Lecturers.

An integral part of a Summer School is MESA oriented Labs designed to generate interactions. This is not a passive, slide  oriented, event!

Be familiar with installing MESA and setting up your own MESA work directories. You must have MESA version 15140 installed.

Some Labs use basic Fortran coding; do loops and if-then structures.

You should be fine if you’ve coded before in almost any language.

A Google Sheet, Slack, and a shared Dropbox for use during the Labs.


Alejandra Romero Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
Radek Smolec Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center
Ylva Goetberg Carnegie Observatories
Lars Bildsten UC Santa Barbara
Josiah Schwab UC Santa Cruz
Frank Timmes Arizona State University

Monday August 16

Table 01 Bill Wolf University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire
Table 02 Will Schultz UC Santa Barbara
Table 03 Ebraheem Farag Arizona State University
Table 04 Anne Thoul Université de Liège
Table 05 Sunny Wong UC Santa Barbara
Table 06 Jared Goldberg UC Santa Barbara
Table 07 Meridith Joyce Space Telescope Science Institute
Table 08 May Gade Pedersen UC Santa Barbara
Table 09 Morgan Chidester Arizona State University
Table 10 Rob Farmer University Of Amsterdam
Table 11 Andrew Nine University Of Wisconsin, Madison
15:00 utc - 15:30 utc Welcome
15:30 utc - 17:30 utc Getting Started - Josiah Schwab
17:30 utc - 17:45 utc Break
17:45 utc - 19:00 utc Massive Stars 101 - Lars Bildsten

Tuesday  August 10

15:00 utc - 15:15 utc Discussion of previous day's Labs
15:15 utc - 17:00 utc Best Practices - Labs - Frank Timmes
17:00 utc - 17:15 utc Break
17:15 utc - 19:00 utc Best Practices - Labs - Frank Timmes

Wednesday  August 11

15:00 utc - 19:00 utc Break Day

Thursday  August 12

15:00 utc - 15:15 utc Discussion of previous day's Labs
15:15 utc - 17:00 utc White Dwarf Cooling - Alejandra Romero
17:00 utc - 17:15 utc Break
17:15 utc - 19:00 utc White Dwarf Cooling - Alejandra Romero

Friday  August 13

15:00 utc - 15:15 utc Discussion of previous day's Labs
15:15 utc - 17:00 utc White Dwarf Cooling - Alejandra Romero
17:00 utc - 17:15 utc Break
17:15 utc - 19:00 utc White Dwarf Cooling - Alejandra Romero


All start times are 15:00 UTC. You can use this World Meeting Planner to convert this start time to your local time zone

(e.g., 8:00 am PDT for California).

15:00 utc - 15:15 utc Discussion of previous day's Labs
15:15 utc - 17:00 utc Radial Stellar Pulsations - Radek Smolec
17:00 utc - 17:15 utc Break
17:15 utc - 19:00 utc Radial Stellar Pulsations - Radek Smolec

Tuesday August 17

Wednesday August 18

Thursday August 19

Friday August 20

15:00 utc - 15:15 utc Discussion of previous day's Labs
15:15 utc - 17:00 utc Interacting Massive Binaries - Labs - Ylva Götberg
17:00 utc - 17:15 utc Break
17:15 utc - 19:00 utc Interacting Massive Binaries - Labs - Ylva Götberg
15:00 utc - 15:15 utc Discussion of previous day's Labs
15:15 utc - 17:00 utc Interacting Massive Binaries - Labs - Ylva Götberg
17:00 utc - 17:15 utc Break
17:15 utc - 19:00 utc Interacting Massive Binaries - Labs - Ylva Götberg
15:00 utc - 15:15 utc Discussion of previous day's Labs
15:15 utc - 17:00 utc Radial Stellar Pulsations - Radek Smolec
17:00 utc - 17:15 utc Break
17:15 utc - 19:00 utc Radial Stellar Pulsations - Radek Smolec
15:00 utc - 19:00 utc Break Day

Monday  August 09