Name Institution Type Project
Kyle Niemeyer Oregon State University SI2 Collaborative Research: SI2-SSE: An intelligent and adaptive parallel CPU/GPU co-processing software library for accelerating reactive-flow simulations
Peter Elmer Princeton University SI2 Collaborative Research: SI2-SSI: Data-Intensive Analysis for High Energy Physics (DIANA/HEP)
Carlos Maltzahn UC Santa Cruz SI2 Collaborative Research: SI2-SSI: Big Weather Web: A common and sustainable big data infrastructure in support of weather prediction research and education in universities
Dan Bates Colorado State University SI2 SI2-SSE: Collaborative Proposal: Symbolic-Numeric Approaches to Polynomials
Ashok Srinivasan Florida State University RAPID Simulation-Based Policy Analysis For Reducing Ebola Transmission Risk In Air Travel
Volker Blum Duke University SI2 Collaborative Research: SI2-SSI: ELSI-Infrastructure for Scalable Electronic Structure Theory
Ray Idaszak RENCI, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill SI2 Collaborative Research: SI2-SSI: An Interactive Software Infrastructure for Sustaining Collaborative Community Innovation in the Hydrologic Sciences
David Schloen University of Chicago SI2 CRESCAT: A Computational Research Ecosystem for Scientific Collaboration on Ancient Topics, Spanning the Full Data Life Cycle
Damian Dechev University of Central Florida SI2 SI2-SSE: LC/DC: Lockless Containers and Data Concurrency
Tam Mayeshiba University of Wisconsin-Madison SI2 SI2-SSI: Collaborative Research: A Computational Materials Data and Design Environment
Mike Kirby University of Utah SI2 SI2-SSE: A GPU-enabled Toolbox for Solving Hamilton-Jacobi and Level-Set Equations on Unstructured Meshes
Frank Timmes Arizona State University SI2 Collaborative Research: SI2-SSE: Modules for Experiments in Stellar Astrophysics
Abani Patra University at Buffalo SI2 SI2-SSI:Collaborative Research: Building Sustainable Tools and Collaboration for Volcanic and Related Hazards
Ganesh Gopalakrishnan University of Utah SI2 SI2-SSE: Scalable Multifaceted GPU Program Debugging
Chris Lenhardt RENCI, UNC-CH SI2 Conceptualization of a Water Science Software Institute
Amarda George Mason University SI2 A Novel Plug-and-play Software Platform of Robotics-inspired Algorithms for Modeling Biomolecular Structures and Motions
Stan Ahalt RENCI, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill SI2 Workshop on Supporting Scientific Discovery through Norms and Practices for Software and Data Citation and Attribution
Ross Walker UCSD / SDSC SI2 Collaborative Research SI2-SSE: Sustained Innovation in Acceleration of Molecular Dynamics on future computational environments: Power to the People in the Cloud and on Accelerators
Greg Tucker University of Colorado at Boulder SI2 Collaborative Research: SI2-SSI: Landlab: a flexible, open-source modeling framework for earth-surface dynamics
John Clyne NCAR SI2 SI2-SSE: Wavelet Enabled Progressive Data Access and Storage Protocol (WASP)
Ye Zhap Kent State University SI2 TrajAnalytics: A Cloud-Based Visual Analytics Software System to Advance Transportation Studies Using Emerging Urban Trajectory Data
Adam Updegrove University of California, Berkeley SI2 A Sustainable Open Source Software Pipeline for Patient Specific Blood Flow Simulation and Analysis
Robert Harrison Stony Brook University SI2 Collaborative Research: SI2-SSI: Task-based Environment for Scientific Simulation at Extreme Scale (TESSE)
Bruce Berriman IPAC, Caltech SI2 SI2-SSE: The Next Generation of the Montage Mosaic Engine
Michael Hucka California Institute of Technology EAGER Cataloging software using a semantic-based approach for software discovery and characterization
Sameer Shende University of Oregon SI2 SI2-SSI: Collaborative Research: A Software Infrastructure for MPI Performance Engineering: Integrating MVAPICH and TAU via the MPI Tools Interface
Geof Sawaya University of Utah SI2 SI2-SSE: Scalable Multifaceted GPU Program Debugging
Doug Johnson Ohio Supercomputer Center SI2 Open OnDemand: Transforming Computational Science through Omnidisciplinary Software Cyberinfrastructure.
Rene Gassmoeller Texas A&M University SI2 Open Source Support for Massively Parallel, Generic Finite Element Methods
Yung-Hsiang Lu Purdue University SI2 SI2-SSE: Analyze Visual Data from Worldwide Network Cameras
Bruce Childers University of Pittsburgh SI2 SI2-SSE: EASE: Improving Research Accountability through Artifact Evaluation
Coray Colina University of Florida SI2 SI2-SSE Collaborative Research: Molecular simulations of polymer nanostructures in the cloud
Alberto Passalacqua Iowa State University SI2 SI2‐SSE: A Next‐Generation Open‐Source Computational Fluid Dynamic Code for Polydisperse Multiphase Flows in Science and Engineering
Dhabaleswar K (DK) Panda The Ohio State University SI2 SI2-SSI: A Comprehensive Performance Tuning Framework for the MPI Stack
Hakizumwami Birali Runesha University of Chicago SI2 SI2-SSI: CRESCAT, A Computational Research Ecosystem for Scientific Collaboration on Ancient Topics, Spanning the Full Data Life Cycle
Neil Heffernan Worcester Polytechnic Institute SI2 Adding Research Accounts to the ASSISTments Platform: Helping researchers do randomized controlled studies with thousands of students
Xiyin Wang University of Georgia SI2 SI2-SSE: Software Infrastructure for Revealing Gene and Genome Evolution, Anchored by Enhancement of Multiple Genome Alignment Software MCSCAN
Janos Sallai Vanderbilt University SI2 Development of a Software Framework for Formalizing Forcefield Atom-Typing for Molecular Simulation
Barbara Lerner Mount Holyoke College SI2 Bringing End-to-End Provenance to Scientists
Margo Seltzer Harvard University SI2 Bringing End-to-End Provenance to Scientists
Steven R. Brandt Louisiana State University EAGER EAGER: Collaborative Research: Using PDE Descriptions To Generate Code Precisely Tailored To Energy-Constrained Systems Including Large GPU Accelerated Clusters
Daniel Mosse University of Pittsburgh SI2 SI2-SSE: EASE: Improving Research Accountability through Artifact Evaluation
Jan Vitek Northeastern OTHER
Pablo Laguna Georgia Tech OTHER Collaborative Research: The multi-scale physics of massive black hole formation, fueling and feedback
Andreas Stathopoulos College of William and Mary SI2 SI2-SSE: Enhancing the PReconditioned Iterative MultiMethod Eigensolver Software with New Methods and Functionality for Eigenvalue and Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) Problems
Jeffrey Carver University of Alabama EAGER Collaborative Research: Making Software Engineering Work for Computational Science & Engineering: An Integrated Approach
Peter Cummings Vanderbilt University SI2 Collaborative Research: SI2-SSI: Development of an Integrated Molecular Design Environment for Lubrication Systems (iMoDELS)
timothy dunne Know Innovation
Thomas Miller California Institute of Technology CAREER Coupled Electronic and Nuclear Dynamics in Organometallic Enzymes and Photocatalysts
Shantenu Rutgers SI2 RADICAL-Cybertools and ExTASY
Neil Heffernan Worcester Polytechnic Institute SI2 randomiszed controlled studies with thousands of students Adding Research Accounts to the ASSISTments' Platform: Helping researchers do
Costa Michailidis Knowinnovation
Thomas H. Jordan Southern California Earthquake Center, USC SI2 SI2-SSI: Community Software for Extreme-Scale Computing in Earthquake System Science
Shawn McKee University of Michigan SI2 Collaborative Research: SI2-SSE: Pythia Network Diagnosis Infrastructure (PuNDIT)
Shaowen Wang University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign SI2 SI2-SSI: CyberGIS Software Integration for Sustained Geospatial Innovation
Nancy Wilkins-Diehr SDSC SI2 Collaborative Research: The Science Gateway Institute (SGW-I) for the Democratization and Acceleration of Science
Ilya Zaslavsky SDSC/UCSD EAGER EAGER: Development of a Novel Online Visual Survey Data Analysis Tool and Assessment of its Capabilities to Enhance Learning of Quantitative Research Methods.
Laurie Williams North Carolina State University SI2 Keynote Speaker
Reuben Budiardja University of Tennessee SI2 SI2-SSE: A Software Element for Neutrino Radiation Hydrodynamics in GenASiS
Emilio Gallicchio Brooklyn College of CUNY SI2 High performance Software for Large-Scale Modeling of Binding Equilibria
Jerry Bernholc NC State University SI2 SI2-SSE: Multiscale Software for Quantum Simulations in Materials Design, Nano Science and Technology
David Hudack Ohio Supercomputer Center SI2 Open OnDemand: Transforming Computational Science through Omnidisciplinary Software Cyberinfrastructure
Matthew Anderson Indiana University SI2 SI2-SSE: Dynamic Adaptive Runtime Systems for Advanced Multipole Method-based Science Achievement
Kensworth Subratie University Of Florida SI2 SI2-SSE: Peer-to-Peer Overlay Virtual Network for Cloud Computing Research
David Hudak Ohio Supercomputer Center SI2 SI2-SSE: Open OnDemand: Transforming Computational Science through Omnidisciplinary Software Cyberinfrastructure
Matthew Mayernik National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) EAGER EAGER: Tracing the Use of Research Resources Using Persistent Citable Identifiers
Stacy Lynn Colorado State University SI2 SI2-SSE: Comprehensive software support for public participation in scientific research and socio-ecological resilience
Ross Walker UCSD SI2 Collaborative Research SI2-SSE:Sustained Innovation in Acceleration of Molecular Dynamics on Future Computational Environments: Power to the People in the Cloud and on Accelerators
Paul Navratil Texas Advanced Computing Center SI2 GraviT : A Comprehensive Ray Tracing Framework for Visualization in Distributed-Memory Parallel Environments
Ashish Gehani SRI SI2 SI2-SSE: Synthesizing Self-Contained Scientific Software
Robert McLay University of Texas at Austin SI2 SI2-SSE: UT Wrangler: Understanding the Software Needs of High End Computer Users
Gagan Agrawal Ohio State SI2 SI2-SSE: Collaborative Research: Software Elements for Transfer and Analysis of Large-Scale Scientific Data
Anthony Danalis University of Tennessee SI2 Performance Application Programming Interface for Extreme-scale Environments
Dmitry Pekurovsky UC San Diego SI2 Collaborative Research: SI2-SSE: A Petascale Numerical Library for Multiscale Phenomena Simulations
Michael Norman UC San Diego SI2 Petascale Enzo: Software Infrastructure Development and Community Engagement
Ewa Deelman University of Southern California SI2 SI2-SSI: Distributed Workflow Management Research and Software in Support of Science
Jonathan Wren Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation EAGER The DRIVE (Digital Resource Impact, Validation and Evolution) Project
Gary Olson University of California, Irvine VOSS VOSS: Micro-Analytics of Collaboration in Distributed Work: What Makes Collaboration Work
Jason Leigh University of Hawaii at Manoa SI2 SI2-SSI: SAGEnext Next Generation Integrated Persistent Visualization and Collaboration Services for Global Cyberinfrastructure
Inanc Senocak Boise State University SI2 SI2-SSE: GEM3D: Open-Source Cartesian Adaptive Complex Terrain Atmospheric Flow Solver for GPU Clusters
Mark Shephard Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute SI2 SI2-SSE: Fast Dynamic Load Balancing Tools for Extreme Scale Systems
Greg Tucker University of Colorado at Boulder SI2 Collaborative Research: SI2-SSI: Landlab: a flexible, open-source modeling framework for earth-surface dynamics
Yung-Hsiang Lu Purdue University SI2 Analyze Visual Data from Worldwide Network Cameras
Zachary D Byerly Louisiana State University SI2 STORM: a Scalable Toolkit for an Open community supporting near Realtime high resolution coastal Modeling
Stephen Siegel University of Delaware EAGER CIVL: Concurrency Intermediate Verification Language
John Mellor-Crummey Rice University SI2 SI2-SSI: Collaborative Research: A Sustainable Infrastructure for Perfomance, Security, and Correctness Tools
George K. Thiruvathukal Loyola University Chicago EAGER EAGER: Collaborative Research: Making Software Engineering Work for Computational Science and Engineering: An Integrated Approach
Raheem Beyah Georgia Tech SI2 SI2-SSE: ShareSafe: A Framework for Researchers and Data Owners to Help Facilitate Secure Graph Data Sharing
Teresa Head-Gordon UC Berkeley SI2 Software for Advanced Potential Energy Surfaces
Edward Maginn University of Notre Dame SI2 SI2-SSE: Development of Cassandra, A General, Efficient and Parallel Monte Carlo Multiscale Modeling Software Platform for Materials Research
Philip A. Wilsey Univ of Cincinnati SI2 SI2-SSE: Scalable Big Data Clustering by Random Projection Hashing
Andrew Christlieb Michigan State University SI2 Invited Guest
Shava Smallen San Diego Supercomputer Center SI2 SI2-SSE: AMASS - An Automated Monitoring AnalySis Service for Cyberinfrastructure
Glenn Martyna IBM TJ Watson Research Center SI2 SI2-SSI: Collaborative Research: Scalable, Extensible, and Open Framework for Ground and Excited State Properties of Complex Systems
Gregg Musiker University of Minnesota SI2 Collaborative Research: SI2-SSE: Sage-Combinat: Developing and Sharing Open Source Software for Algebraic Combinatorics
Xilun Chen Arizona State University SI2 SI2-SSE: E-SDMS: Energy Simulation Data Management System Software
Jan Verschelde University of Illinois at Chicago SI2 SI2-SSE: Solving Polynomial Systems with PHCpack and phcpy
Thomas Cheatham University of Utah RAPID RAPID: Optimizing experimental approaches to Ebola membrane fusion inhibitor peptide design through high-throughput biomolecular simulation workflows on Blue Waters.
David Irwin University of Massachusetts Amherst SI2 S12-SSE: BenchLab: Open Community Tools and Infrastructure for Performance Research in Cloud, Mobile and Green Computing
David Tarboton Utah State University SI2 HydroShare: An interactive software infrastructure for sustaining collaborative community innovation in the hydrologic sciences
Boyce Griffith University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill SI2 SI2-SSI: Collaborative Research: Scalable Infrastructure for Enabling Multiscale and Multiphysics Applications in Fluid Dynamics, Solid Mechanics, and Fluid-Structure Interaction
Ben Winjum University of California-Los Angeles SI2 SI2-SSI: Particle-In-Cell and Kinetic Simulation Center
Douglas Thain University of Notre Dame SI2 SI2-SSE: Connecting Cyberinfrastructure with the Cooperative Computing Tools
Jose Fortes University of Florida SI2 SI2-SSE: Human- and Machine-Intelligent Software Elements for Cost-Effective Scientific Data Digitization
James Howison University of Texas at Austin CAREER CAREER: Sustaining Scientific Infrastructure: Researching Transition from Grants to Peer Production
Richard Brower Boston University SI2 I2-SSI: Scalable Hierarchical Algorithms for Extreme Computing
Elbridge Gerry Puckett University of California Davis SI2 Development and Implementation of Software Elements using State-of-the-Art Computational Methodology to Advance Modeling Heterogeneities and Mixing in Earth's Mantle
Matthew Turk NCSA/University of Illinois SI2 yt: Reusable Components for Simulating Analyzing and Visualization Astrophysical Systems
Chris Rapier Pittsburgh supercomputing center SI2 TestRig 2.0
Ponnuswamy Sadayappan Ohio State University SI2 SI2 - SSE: Improving vectorization
James Bordner University of California, San Diego SI2 SI2-SSE: Petascale Enzo: Software Infrastructure Development and Community Engagement
Benjamin Haley Purdue University SI2 Polymer simulations in the cloud
Matthew Newville University of Chicago SI2 Integration of Synchrotron X-ray Analysis Software Methods into the Larch Framework
James Pustejovsky Brandeis University SI2 The Language Application Grid: A Framework for Rapid Adaptation and Reuse
Rion Dooley Texas Advanced Computing Center SI2 Collaborative Research: SS2-SSI: The Agave Platform: An Open Science-As-A-Service Cloud Platform for Reproducible Science
Robert van de Geijn UT-Austin SI2 A Linear Algebra Software Infrastructure for Sustained Innovation in Computational Chemistry and other Sciences
Louise Kellogg UC Davis EAGER EAGER: Development of software citation methodology for open source computational science
A. Selcuk Uluagac Florida International University SI2 SI2-SSE: A Sustainable Wireless Sensor Software Development Framework for Science and Engineering Researchers
Nicholas Gottschlich University of Texas at Austin SI2 CAREER: Sustaining Scientific Infrastructure: Researching Transition from Grants to Peer Production
Marlon Pierce Indiana University SI2 Collaborative Research: SI2-SSI: Open Gateway Computing Environments Science Gateways Platform as a Service (OGCE SciGaP)
Simon Hettrick Software Sustainability Institute Observer
J. Ilja Siepmann University of Minnesota SI2 SI2-CHE: Collaborative Research: Developing First Principles Monte Carlo Methods for Reactive Phase and Sorption Equilibria in the CP2K Software Suite
Paul Butler University of Tennessee SI2 CCP-SAS - Collaborative Computing consortium for advanced analyses of structural data in chemical biology and soft condensed matter
Gene Cooperman Northeastern University SI2 SI2-SSE: Enhancement and Support of DMTCP for Adaptive, Extensible Checkpoint-Restart
Joannes Westerink University of Notre Dame SI2 SI2-SSI: Collaborative Research: STORM: A Scalable Toolkit for an Open Community Supporting Near Realtime High Resolution Coastal Modeling
Karl Gustafson RENCI Support

2016 SI2 PI Workshop : February 16-17

114 SI2, RAPID, EAGER, or VOSS Project PIs: