Home Astronomy Research 2025 Neutrinos From De-excitation 2024 Radiative Opacity 2024 Neutrino Emission from Stars 2023 White Dwarfs & 12C(α,γ)16O 2023 MESA VI 2022 Earendel, A Highly Magnified Star 2022 Black Hole Mass Spectrum 2021 Skye Equation of State 2021 White Dwarf Pulsations & 22Ne Software Instruments AAS Journals First and last printed ApJ Top 50 most cited articles 2025 AAS YouTube 2025 AAS Peer Review Workshops 2025 ASU Energy in Everyday Life 2025 MESA Classroom Other Stuff: Bicycle Adventures Illustrations Presentations Contact: F.X.Timmes my one page vitae, full vitae, research statement, and teaching statement. |
I provide service to the international astronomy & astrophysics community through the American Astronomical Society Journals (i.e., the AJ, ApJ, ApJ Supplement, ApJ Letters, PSJ, Research Notes, and BAAS). In 2008 I began the journey by agreeing to be a Scientific Editor for the ApJ. In 2016 I agreed to be Lead Editor of the High Energy Phenomena and Fundamental Physics corridor for the AAS Journals; described in a April 2016 AAS Nova article. In 2019 the position expanded to Senior Lead Editor, whose main new role was advocating for the AAS Journals (e.g., the AAS YouTube channel). In 2022 at the dawn of the open access era, I agreed to expand the role again to Deputy Editor-in-Chief. I remain a core Scientific Editor! Your AAS Journal Editorial Team in May 2024 near John Hopkins University: AAS YouTube: I am currently the primary content creator for the AAS YouTube channel. Aspects of this service to the community is described in a June 2023 AAS Publishing News article, August 2021 AAS Journals News article, March 2020 AAS Teaching Online release, March 2020 AAS Press release, and April 2019 AAS Nova article. Here are some of the most active YouTube playlists:
AAS Publishing Peer Review Workshops: I am currently the pile driver behind the AAS Peer Review Workshops. These in-person workshops focus on key aspects of peer-review process at the AAS journals. Though extensive training with hands-on labs, participants will gain familiarity with the AAS peer-review process and learn how to make better use of peer-review for their own manuscriprs. Be ready to interact with your fellow participants and Scientific Editors. These are not passive, online, slide-oriented workshops! • Learn about the peer review process at the AAS journals from its Scientific Editors • Explore examples of referee reports • Gain experience by writing a referee report during the workshop On successful completion of the workshop, participants receive a signed graduation certificate. The first AAS Peer Review Workshop was held on 04Jun2023 at the 242nd AAS Meeting in Albuquerque. A nice starting group of 13 participants and 4 Scientific Editors! The second AAS Peer Review Workshop was held on 07Jun2024 at the 243rd AAS Meeting in New Orleans. A solid group of 37 participants and 6 Scientific Editors! Additional images from the workshop. These AAS Peer Review Workshops will likely grow in participant count, number, and location (e.g., Europe, China, South America, etc). These workshops are patterned on a successful model. Seven Publication Venues: Seven Topical Corridors: and Ebooks too: The First and Last Printed ApJ: The first (May 1895) and last (Dec 2014) printed ApJ. The Top 50 cited articles: Evolution of the most cited Most Cited astronomy & astrophysics articles and journals. Fateful: