Astronomy Research
2025 Neutrinos From De-excitation
Radiative Opacity
2024 Neutrino Emission from Stars
2023 White Dwarfs & 12C(α,γ)16O
2023 MESA VI
2022 Earendel, A Highly Magnified Star
2022 Black Hole Mass Spectrum
2021 Skye Equation of State
2021 White Dwarf Pulsations & 22Ne
Software Instruments
Stellar equation of states
EOS with ionization
EOS for supernovae
Chemical potentials
Stellar atmospheres
Voigt Function
Jeans escape
Polytropic stars
Cold white dwarfs
Adiabatic white dwarfs
Cold neutron stars
Stellar opacities
Neutrino energy loss rates
Ephemeris routines
Fermi-Dirac functions
Polyhedra volume
Plane - cube intersection
Coating an ellipsoid
Nuclear reaction networks
Nuclear statistical equilibrium
Laminar deflagrations
CJ detonations
ZND detonations
Fitting to conic sections
Unusual linear algebra
Derivatives on uneven grids
Pentadiagonal solver
Quadratics, Cubics, Quartics
Supernova light curves
Exact Riemann solutions
1D PPM hydrodynamics
Hydrodynamic test cases
Galactic chemical evolution
Universal two-body problem
Circular and elliptical 3 body
The pendulum
Zingale's software
Brown's dStar
GR1D code
Iliadis' STARLIB database
Herwig's NuGRID
Meyer's NetNuc
AAS Journals
2025 AAS YouTube
2025 AAS Peer Review Workshops
2025 ASU Energy in Everyday Life
2025 MESA Classroom
Other Stuff:
Bicycle Adventures
Contact: F.X.Timmes
my one page vitae,
full vitae,
research statement, and
teaching statement.
The instrument
computes the state vectors for the major bodies of the solar system,
two martian satellites, four Galilean
satellites, eight of Saturn's moons, six Uranian moons, thousands of comets,
and half a million asteroids.
The tool combines the JPL DE430
JPL osculatory orbital elements,
and the Naval Observatory NOVAS
positional astronomy package. The results thus compare favorably with those from JPL
A brief guide is in this README.
Xephem by Elwood
Downey is excellent, open, and is a lot of fun.
Starry Night is not free or open,
but visually yummy.
public_ephem.tbz contains seven data files:
unxp1950-2050.430 - JPL DE430 little-endian binary file
for the major bodies in the solar system from 1950 to 2050.
Most fortran compilers can convert to big-endian on-the-fly if desired, or
to roll your own binary files.
comet_elements.dat - JPL osculatory orbital elements for comets.
Current as of 25Sep2019; get updated versions from the JPL small-body
numasteroids_elements.dat - JPL osculatory orbital elements for asteroids.
Current as of 25Sep2019; get updated versions from the JPL small-body
ephem.e15 - J2000 parameters for the Galilean satellites; from
Jay Lieske's
redtass7.dat - time series arguments for eight of saturn's satellites;
from BDL.
leap_second.dat - (TAI - UTC) timescale offsets; get updated versions from
deltat.dat - (TT - UT1) timescale offsets; get updated versions from
public_ephem.tbz contains twelve library files:
novas_routines.f90 -a semi-custom USNO
jpl_routines.f90 - read and interpolate JPL ephemeris files.
position_routine.f90 - returns the state vector.
ephem.dek - common block communications.
initialize_routine.f90 - initializations.
fxt_routines.f90 - state vectors to orbital elements and more.
marsat_routines.f90 - state vectors of the
martian satellites.
lieske_routines.f90 -
state vectors of the
jovian satellites.
satsat_routines.f90 -
state vectors of
saturn's satellites.
gust86_routines.f90 -
state vectors of the
uranian satellites.
glue.f90 -
string parsers, converters, and more.
public_ephem.tbz contains 14 applications:
analemma.f90 - position of the sun to make an analemma.
conjunction.f90 - conjunctions, quadratures, and more.
ephem.f90 - combines several of the applications.
equinox.f90 - times of equinoxes and
moon_phases.f90 - lunar events
including eclipses.
orbit.f90 - state vectors over time.
perihelion.f90 - times of apheleions
position.f90 - state vectors in different coordinate systems.
retrograde.f90 - times of retrograde motion.
rise.f90 - rise, transit, and set time of any object.
solar_eclipse.f90 - track of a solar eclipse centerline.
sunrise.f90 - quicky rise, transit and set of the sun and moon.
sunrise_over_year.f90 - the sun over a year.
within.f90 - times of objects within a given angular seperation.